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已有 518 次阅读2004-9-9 14:56 |个人分类:双语教学

A Chinese-English Glossary on China’s Economic Restructuring

1. 人口增长与计划生育 Population growth and family planning
2. 人口过剩 Over-population
3. 人口素质 the quality of the population
4. 人口动态学 population dynamics
5. 人口统计学 demography
6. 优生优育 to promote good prenatal and postnatal care
7. 生育指标 birth quotas; target number
8. 控制人口增长 to curb population growth; to control population growth
9. 减轻人口压力 to reduce the population pressure
10. 妇幼保健 maternal and health care
11. 基本国策 a basic state policy
12. 可持续发展 sustainable development
13. 避孕 contraception
14. 人均国民生产总产值 a per Capita gross national product
15. 人均消费 a per capita consumption
16. 国家人口计生委 The State Population and Family Planning Commission (SPFPC)

Over-population in China has caused shortages of food, housing and created environmental and many other problems.
农村中越来越多的人愿意少要孩子, 抛弃了“多子多福”的传统观念

 More and more people in rural communities are willing to have fewer children and have put aside the traditional concept of “ the more children, the more happiness中国政府根据国家大 、 底子薄、 人口多 、 耕地少的基本国情, 决定实行计划生育控制人口增长,提高人口素质的政策,以促进人口与经济 、 社会 、 资源 、环境的协调发展.
The Chinese government began implementing a family planning, population control and population quality improvement policy in accordance with China’s basic conditions of being a large country with a poor economic foundation, a large population and a little cultivated land, so as to promote the coordinated development of the economy

不过在中国,尤其是在农村,生儿育女是婚嫁的非常重要的原因.传统观念也是一个因素。例如, 中国的农民向来就喜欢儿子, “养子防老”嘛!根据中国的传统,女儿是要出嫁的, “纯女户”担心日后没人赡养,因此,有些农村夫妇有了一两个女儿后仍希望生个男孩。
But in China, especially in the rural area, to have children is a very important reason for marriage. Traditional thinking is another factor for the increase. Chinese farmers, for example, have historically preferred sons, believing that sons will support them when they are old. Peasants who have only daughters fear that no one will take care of them because, under Chinese tradition, the daughter leaves at marriage. As a result, rural couples with one or two daughters still hope for a boy.

According to official statistics, citizens aged 60 or more accounted for nearly 11 per cent of China\'s 1.3 billion people.


China was focusing on improving its social insurance system to cope with the aging population, which will peak in the 2030s"In urban areas,


 it takes three employees on average to pay premiums sufficient to support the pension payment for one retiree. When the aging peak comes, it may take 10 employees to back four or more retirees, if no significant measures are taken to set up stable fund reserves

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flicker 彩虹炫 | flicker 匿名卡 | jimingxinyu 2004-9-13 08:21

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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